World Harvest Food Bank Providing Critical Food and Essentials to Local Families From 8am-6pm Monday-saturday During Covid-19 Pandemic
World Harvest Food Bank continues to provide nutritious food products and life essentials to local families during the COVID-19 crisis and asks for community support to keep doors open.
World Harvest asks that persons looking to assist fellow Angelenos during the current health crisis consider donating any dollar amount to their work immediately at their website www.worldharvestla.org The food bank has seen a 200% increase in visits since COVID-19 crippled the city of Los Angeles one week ago. Each monetary donation directly helps local families who are hit hardest by the current loss of income and reduced support from the local school system. As workers and parents with little to no employment face the reality of feeding their children and families, World Harvest continues to share high quality, nutritious food products throughout the pandemic. While major grocers and retailers run out of essentials, World Harvest is stocked with poultry, organic produce, non-perishables and new shipments of basic life essentials each day.
Prior to COVID-19, an estimated 2 million people in Los Angeles County lived with food insecurity which meant that 1 in 5 people living here did not know where their next meal was coming from. Today the number of families in need of food has surged incredibly. World Harvest Food Bank is located in downtown Los Angeles at 3100 Venice Boulevard, 90019.
Media Contact: Jessica Priego
(312) 217-3514
[email protected]